Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome Back

I know it's been a long time since I updated. Since my parents were here to be specific. Things got quite crazy since then. The end of the semester is always a busy time but this semester was particularly busy. I was taking 5 grad classes this semester and had a variety of things to finish up. I had an online class from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point that finished a couple weeks ago and then I had my last classes at UNCW on Thursday. I've given presentations, written websites (here), created new education programs on sea grass and plankton, and have my only final this Weds. I just have a 15 page paper to finish and the semester is over.

To add to the chaos I moved out of the zoo! I no longer have to take care of any pets except charlie. I moved across town closer to the aquarium. I'm not living in a 3rd floor apartment with vaulted ceilings, a fireplace, and no one above me! It's beautiful. I finished hanging the art yesterday and will finish picking up the odds and ends today so I can post pictures tomorrow.

I started working at the aquarium as a special activities instructor and had my first sleepover since I left Tennessee this weekend. It was interesting to see how the two compared to each other. The ones here are much more laid back. I'm also waiting to hear back from the aquarium about the full time job I applied for. Keep your fingers crossed for me. The application process closed on the 7th so they should be moving along.

I celebrated my birthday the day my parents left. I'm now 26. I bought myself a ring as a gift. I had a beautiful ring from Tennessee that the stone fell out of the setting and got lost. I was very upset until I saw a store in town here that sold the same cut but in real stones. So I ordered one. It finally showed up and is absolutely beautiful.
After my parents left I took a Wilderness First Aid Class at UNCW. It was a lot of fun. I am now able to put people back together when they fall down in the woods. The pictures we took were pretty funny. I fell off the mountain twice in two days and broke my leg both times:
They put me back together with a camping pad and other assorted odds and ends. Other than that I've been keeping my nose to the grindstone and staying busy. I was worried about all the work I had due and managed to get most of it done way ahead of schedule.

Today is bright and sunny. I have one of my favorite dresses on and drove to school with the top down. I had to come to school today because one of my students skipped her final and her final presentation. She claims she was sick and has a drs note so I can't just fail her... I'm not sure I'm cold hearted enough to fail her anyway. So I had to make up a new test and here I am. Tonight I'm taking a class at Halyburton Park on frogs and frog calls. It should be fun.