Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Job

Today was my first day at the aquarium as a full time employee. It's the first place I've ever worked where I've gotten promoted as opposed to hired fresh. So it was an interesting introductory day. Everyone I've worked with in the past was really glad to know that I was hired. It was a great day. I spent most of it going through what the last educator left for me. I'm going to move into the office pretty slowly since I have to paint the office before I really settle in. It's currently lime green. It definitely keeps you awake.

In other news, we've started playing volleyball again. We actually won a game last night. I scored about 6 points on one serve. It was pretty fun. I went to a winery called Noni Bacca on Sunday with my friend Velu. It was a lot of fun. They do free tastings every day but they had free food on Sunday. After that we met up with some girls at Fibber McGee's. They were doing half price bottles of wine so the girls had a good time. I was driving but still had a lot of fun. Earlier in the weekend my old roommate Dan and I checked out a new bar called Whiskey Creek that's very close to both of our houses. We may go again with the rest of the team after volleyball tonight.

I chopped off my hair before I came back to NC. It's really cute and much more comfortable. Mom and I had a great time at the farm and I wish I had had more time at the lake but my trip home was wonderful. So now I'm going to work on getting into the swing of things at the Aquarium. Live is so very very good. I quoted one of my favorite authors the other night. She talks about the full cupboard feeling: the way you feel when it's snowing outside but the cupboard is full of all your favorite things and you don't have to go out in it. I am so happy lately. I sat in the pool reading the other day and watching the wind blow through the palm trees. It doesn't get much better than this.

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